To reach the reader of 2018, Contemporary Albanian literature has overcome many obstacles and politics ideology. It felt violated by a certain, imposing and savage ideology. The method of socialist realism by some writers was embraced with delight and conviction, and from some others it was used for compromise to bring to light their works, which, in case of incompatibility with the relevant ideology, was banned from publishing. However, given that literature is the creation of the human spirit, it is unnatural to think that all this literature of this period has not expressed their feelings, sorrows, dreams and their love. Perhaps, we can argue with conviction, which has been a memory for the past and also a dream for the future. This literature overwhelmed the content imposed in 1945 and continued to be the most rebellious. The national liberation war was not the subject of the 1960s literature, which was more stubborn than what was written fifteen years ago, even by the same authors. Here, summed up as a great deal in the history of contemporary literature, find the first and the foremost authors of this literature, their best works, publishers, and their echoes in the language of translation.
Key words: Literature, History, World War II, Writer, Contemporary, Education, Publisher.
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