Author Guidelines
ll the manuscripts submitted for publication in PSSJ should consider all the criteria specified in the Author Guidelines. Articles that do not subscribe to the Author Guidelines shall be promptly returned.
- Title of the Paper (12 pt, Times New Roman, bold, centered)
- NAME(S) OF AUTHOR(S) together with their academic titles (e.g. Dr.Sc or MSc/MA) (10 .5 pt, Times New Roman font, Centered)
- Institution of Affiliation for each author. If possible please provide also a link to Institutions for each author. Provide also the Addresses for Correspondence (10 pt, Times New Roman font, Centered)
- E-mail addresses of each author(s), (10 pt, Times New Roman font, Centered)
- The first page should also include the Abstract. It should have 150-300 words explaining the aim of the paper, methodology used, results and conclusion (8pt, Times New Roman font, justifies to both sides, each paragraph should be intended)
- Key Words, 3-7 words (10 pt, Times New Roman font, justified)
- The second page should start with Introduction (or other title as applies for your paper). The other main titles and sub-titles should follow the Introduction. The paper should end with Conclusion and also with Recommendations (if it applies).
- The main titles should be 10 pt, Times New Roman font, bold and aligned to the left. The same applies also for the subtitles.
- As the paper should be structured addressing the main topic, then the titles and subtitles should be numbered in the following way: 1; 1.1; 1.1.2; 2; 2.1; 2.1.2 etc., in order to ensure that all sub-topics are a reflection of the main problem and the issue addressed, as an integral part of the main topic (alphabet letters and roman numbers in the titles and subtitles are not accepted)
- It is required that the whole elaboration of the topic is made within frameworks of the main topic, while all matters relevant or referred to, are presented in footnotes and references. Footnotes should be used and indicated in superscript consecutively throughout the text (8 pt, Time New Roman font, justified) while quotations should be made within the text.
Figures and Tables
- If there are any images, figures or tables, then they should be clear and easily readable. Each figure or table should have its title above it and its source beneath it. Each figure/table/graph etc should be numbered (e.g. Figure 1: Title). The titles should be 11 pt, Times New Roman font, aligned to the left and the source should be 10 pt, Times New Roman font, aligned to the left. The text in the figure and table should be 11 pt, Times New Roman font
List of References
The title of the List of References section must not be numbered. All reference items must be in 11 pt font, Times New Roman font. Please use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields as shown in the References section.
- The list should be in alphabetical order by author's/ editor's surname, should be left justified, and the references should not be preceded by a bullet-point or number
- Where the author is anonymous or unknown for any one source, insert that source in the alphabetical list using the title of the source instead of the author's name.
- Your reference list contains all the items you have cited or directly quoted from (do not cite sources that have not been used in your paper).
- Books, paper or electronic journal articles, etc., are written in a particular format that must be followed to ensure consistency.
- Whenever you provide link, please also insert the date of the last access for each link in this format [Accessed dd/mm/yyyy]
- When you have used more than one piece of work by the same author, in your reference list you should list the works in date order, beginning with the most recently published work.
- If for you have many authors for a reference, provide the last names and the first letter of the names for every author.
Examples of reference items of different categories shown in the References section include:
example of a Book: Wooldridge J., (2006), "Introductory Econometrics", Ohio: Thomson South-Western, 3rd Edition.
example of a Journal Article: Laporsek S. and Dolenc P., (2011), "On The Way Towards Flexicurity in the Countries of Former Yugoslavia" International Journal of Economics and Law, Vol. 1, No. 3 pg 70-77.
example of Government Publications: Department for Education and Employment (DfEE), (2001), "Skills for life: Thenational strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills", Nottingham: DfEE Publications.
example of a Conference papers: Hart G. Albrecht M. Bull R. and Marshall L., (1992), "Peer consultation: A professional development opportunity for nurses employed in rural settings", Infront Outback - Conference Proceedings, Australian Rural Health Conference, Toowoomba, pg. 143 - 148.
example of a Newspaper article: Cumming F., (1999), "Tax-free savings push", Sunday Mail, 4 April, pg. 1.
OR, IF THE AUTHOR IS UNKNOWN: "Tax-free savings push", Sunday Mail, (4 April 1999), pg. 3.
example of a report: European Commission, (2011), "Kosovo 2011 Progress Report", Brussels.
example of a website: The World Bank website. [Online]. Available from:, [Accessed 13 January, 2014]
example of a database: International Monetary Fund, (2012), "World Economic Outlook, October 2013", Available from: [Accessed 9 November, 2013]
- Headers and Footers must not be used.
- Pages must be numbered.
- Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (no PDF files or other forms are accepted).
- Papers must be submitted through the webs-site; by firstly being Registered and then after you are Loged In, follow all the steps until the upload of the manuscripts.
- The authors at any time can check the status of their work by only Logging In.
- Papers should be submitted in English.
* Papers are also accepted in Albanian but translation charges will apply.