
Social Media, Facebook Advertising, Demographics, Characteristics Usage.

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The aim of this research is to examine the impact of demographic variables and Facebook usage patterns on consumer behavior in relation to Facebook advertising.

The study’s setting, which included Kosovar citizens, was examined using a variety of statistical techniques, including discriminator validity testing, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, and the Kruskal-Wallis H Test. In this study, 276 respondents or Kosovar citizens participated. Every Kosovo region has been met by these responders. The questionnaire was employed through the survey as a tool for gathering study data. Three sections comprised the questionnaire: questions on the respondents’ demographics, questions concerning the features of Facebook use, and statements indicating the extent to which Facebook ads influenced consumer purchases.

With the exception of income level, which has a significant correlation with consumer behavior for making purchases through Facebook ads, statistical testing has led us to the conclusion that there is no significant correlation between gender, age, education, residential area, and consumer purchase in terms of purchasing through Facebook ads.

The experiments indicate that the variables pertaining to the features of purchases on Facebook do not significantly influence consumer behavior when it comes to making purchases through Facebook adverts


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