Cross-Cultural Comparison of Teachers' Attitudes Toward Educational Researches: The Case of Turkey and Kosovo


Teacher Attitude, Educational Research, Cross-Cultural Comparison.

How to Cite

ÖZGENEL , M., & METLÄ°LO, E. (2021). Cross-Cultural Comparison of Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Educational Researches: The Case of Turkey and Kosovo. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 5(1), 52–69.


This study aims to a cross-cultural comparison of teachers' attitudes towards educational research in Turkey and Kosovo. The study is carried out according to the descriptive survey model, which is one of the quantitative research models. The study group consists of a total of 336 teachers 186 teachers from Turkey (Istanbul and Batman) and 150 teachers from Kosovo (Prizren) working in the academic year of 2018-2019. As a data collection tool, “Teacher Attitude Scale for Educational Researches†and “Personal Information Form†is used to determine the demographic characteristics of teachers. The data is analyzed with the SPSS statistics program. The data is analyzed by independent groups’t-test and one-way analysis of variance. According to the findings, it is revealed that in Turkey, the teachers' attitudes towards educational research are "high level", while in Kosovo, teachers' attitudes towards educational research are "moderate level". Moreover, as a result of cross-cultural comparisons, a significant difference is discovered between teachers' attitudes towards educational research. It is determined that this significant difference is in the sub-dimensions of the necessity of educational research and the applicability of educational research.


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