Perception Research on Developing Brand Identity for Small Cities


City Marketing, City Branding, Brand Identity, Perception Research, Köprübaşı

How to Cite

KESTANE, S. (2019). Perception Research on Developing Brand Identity for Small Cities. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3(2), 1–10.


Global competition between countries at the macro level has turned into a competition between cities at micro level. Many successful examples across the world have shown local governments and other stakeholders willing to attract more tourists or investment to their cities that more production and consumption, in other words, prosperity is associated with strategic marketing of cities. Branding, which is part of marketing of cities willing to use their assets and resources to distinguish themselves from others, is highly popular in both the literature and in practice. The aim of this perception study is to determine the current image of small cities with few marketable resources in order to help them create brand identity and an emotional bond between themselves and their target audience. This study established the structural validity of a city-specific perception scale and determined how the city was perceived both by its inhabitants and foreigners in terms of its concrete and abstract elements.

Key words: City Marketing, City Branding, Brand Identity, Perception Research, Köprübaşı.


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