Effect of Continuous Improvement and Quality Data and Reporting on Innovation Performance


Innovation, Quality Management, Continuous Improvement, Quality Data and Reporting, Structural Equation Modelling.

How to Cite

ÇETIN, O. (2022). Effect of Continuous Improvement and Quality Data and Reporting on Innovation Performance. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 6(1), 9–17. https://doi.org/10.32936/pssj.v6i1.290


It is stated that there is no certainty in the literature as to what sort of relationship between Quality Management practices and innovation exists. The literature on the relationship between Continuous Improvement (CI) and Quality Data and Reporting (QDR) -two of the practices related to quality management- and innovation is even more limited. The aim of this study is to determine the relationships between CI and QDR and innovation performance (IP). The data were obtained from the companies with ISO certificate in the manufacturing and service sectors. The model which consists of QDR, CI and IP variables was analysed with the Structural Equation Model. The IP level was above the midpoint as well. It has been seen that CI and QDR have an impact on IP. In addition, it has been determined that QDR has a mediating role in the effect of CI on IP.



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