Political Constellation and Decision-making – Case Study: Two Leaders in the Negotiation Process for the Normalization of Relations Between Serbia and Kosovo


negotiations, decision – making, political constellation, transparency, political consensus, unity group.

How to Cite

HALABAKU, A., LUTFIU, N., & HALABAKU, V. F. (2019). Political Constellation and Decision-making – Case Study: Two Leaders in the Negotiation Process for the Normalization of Relations Between Serbia and Kosovo. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3(2), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.32936/pssj.v3i2.97


In representative democracy, citizens with free vote, mainly political parties, elect their representatives to legislate, supervise, protect and make decisions that are in their interest. Given this, political leaders express the thoughts, wishes and will of the voters and act as their representatives when defending interest and making decisions that are related to the quality and the fate of their lives. Supporting their decisions can often be decisive for success and failure in their political career. Thus, in this paper work, it will be given views on how their decision-making is influenced by: leadership position and support from the coming party, constellation of political forces in parliament, achievement of a common platform and political consensus among political actors, constitutional norms, and broad civic support.

The methodology used will be in harmony with the purpose of the study. Here will be an analysis of the behavior and actions of the two leaders within the constellation built in their country. In the course of this, this study will be oriented to the analysis of the political circumstances prevailing in the respective countries, the position of leadership within the party, the position and constitutional functions that favor one or the other, the distribution of political forces in the respective parliaments and many other moments. For this purpose, the interviews of the two leaders, the statements of the opposition leaders in the respective countries, the statements of prominent politicians, the other political and legal documents will be analyzed with which they will provide sufficient evidence on how they can be influenced in the process of the decision-making process during the Serbia-Kosovo Normalization negotiations.

Key words: Negotiations, Decision – Making, Political Constellation, Transparency, Political Consensus, Unity Group.




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