IFRS 9 Transition Effect on Financial Stability of Kosovo Commercial Banks


IFRS 9, Expected Credit Loss, Impairments, Re-measurement Capital Regulatory, Commercial Banks.

How to Cite

ÇOLLAKU, B., AHMETI, S., & ALIU, M. (2021). IFRS 9 Transition Effect on Financial Stability of Kosovo Commercial Banks. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 5(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.32936/pssj.v5i1.191


From January 1, 2018, most of the commercial banks in Kosovo adopted IFRS 9. The new standard introduces the expected credit loss model to allow for timely recognition of credit losses, estimated not only on the actual credit loss but also on forward-looking information regarding the current loan portfolio. Although, transition phases may lead to increasing impairments and a decrease in banks’ equity, which directly influences the financial stability of banks. This paper examines the day-one transition effect of IFRS 9 on the level of assets balance, allowance for loan losses, and capital regulatory class II of banks in Kosovo. To test our hypothesis, we have performed a comparative analysis for the six biggest commercial banks in Kosovo to identify correlation and causality between studied variables. As a statistical technique, we have employed a “paired sample t-test†where we compare financial indicators before and after adopting IFRS 9 to examine the impact on financial stability for commercial banks in Kosovo.

Our results are in line with the results of recent studies in the IFRS 9 field and conclude that the transition phase has a significant influence on the recognition of additional loan impairment but assets and capital regulations are not affected significantly. Results demonstrate the transition to IFRS 9 causes instability and re-consolidation of capital, but in the long-run reduce the possibility for large and sudden losses. Commercial banks in Kosovo should follow a balanced growth approach without compromising the quality of the loan portfolio.



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